Kindred Culture has a ZERO TOLERANCE for abuse and harassment.
Duty to Report
1. Kindred Culture is legally required to report any suspicion or allegations of abuse of a minor to authorities. Any incidents with minors will be handled by the Peel Regional Police.
Read more about the Legal Responsibility to report abuse and neglect of a minor here.
2. Kindred Culture is not legally required to report any suspicion or allegations of abuse to an adult but will err on the side of reporting to Trillium Health Partners, Assaulted Women's Helpline, and the Peel Regional Police.
Here are more resources for adults that have been abused or harassed.
3. Any incidents within the studio will require relevant parties to fill out an incident report that includes details or the incident, witnesses, and any other related evidence. Kindred Culture will also hold a strict confidentiality of those reporting.
Duty to Protect
4. Our studio owner is YPAD Certified - Youth Protection Advocates in Dance - and has been professionally trained to deal with abuse and harassment within dance.
5. Kindred Culture is equipped with cameras that record 24/7 in visible and appropriate places. These videos are kept for 7 days and then deleted with no way of recovering the footage. We will provide any footage related to any incidents of abuse or harassment given it is within 7 days of the incident. Click here to see our Security Camera Policy.
6. All staff, faculty, and admin volunteers must go through a thorough background check that can include but not limited to police background checks, social media check, and community check before becoming associated with Kindred Culture.
7. All participants must agree to comply to our Code of Conduct.
8. Alleged abusers will be removed from any staff, faculty, and/or volunteer position and will also be removed from any participation in any Kindred Culture programs or events without refund.
Duty to Warn
9. Kindred Culture, within an appropriate manner, will warn the currently registered participants, volunteers, staff, parents, and any other relevant associated parties of allegations of abuse by a staff, faculty member, volunteer, or currently registered participant of a Kindred Culture Program or Event once reported to and handled by proper authorities and professionals.
10. Kindred Culture will have a strict no-social media posting on handling individual cases and incidents.
Duty to Inform
11. Kindred Culture is committed to educating our faculty, staff, volunteers, participants, and our community about handling abuse and harassment.
12. Kindred Culture will continue to provide online resources and connections for people to use to prevent and deal with abuse and harassment.
Check out our list of resources here.
How To Report
Who to contact?
Owner - Nathan Tiangson - (647) 628-7849.
Staff - Bryan Gonzales, or Francis "Tai" Tiangson (can be contacted at the studio).
If you do not feel comfortable contacting the individuals above please use the following resources:
What will happen?
Contact police if required.
Kindred Culture is legally required to report any suspicion or allegations of abuse of a minor to authorities. Any incidents with minors will be handled by the Peel Regional Police.
Fill out an incident report.
Investigation of incidents.
Interviews with victim, alleged perpetrator, witnesses.
Gather any relevant evidence
Review camera footage if within the 7 day time period
Contact support organizations for additional resources and support.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Contact: Nathan Tiangson, Kindred Culture
647 628 7849
Unit 10 – 780 Burnhamthorpe Road W, Mississauga ON, L5C 3X3
Kindred Culture becomes first area dance studio to earn safety certification
Kindred Culture has become the first dance studio in the region to achieve Youth Protection Advocates in Dance certification. The certification marks its commitment to keeping kids happy, healthy and safe in dance.
YPAD is the nation’s only dance certification program focusing on both safety and wellness for dance students. To earn the designation, studios must complete two training tracks. The first track centers on dance safety and educational best practices. It focuses on background checks, CPR and First Aid, abuse awareness and prevention, injury prevention and response, and safety and emergency preparedness. The second focuses on the wellness and development of youth dancers and covers social media, social media safety, today’s dance culture, developmentally appropriate artistry, body image, nutrition, disordered eating, bullying, and conflict resolution. Only studios that complete both tracks are eligible for certification.
“We want to do more than just teach great dance at Kindred Culture,” said studio owner Nathan Tiangson. “We want to help develop healthy, happy dancers with an environment that focuses on the well-being of kids. Of course, this also helps us contribute to a sustainable, safe future for dance overall.”
Founded in 2013, KINDRED CULTURE is a company that uses DANCE to give people a POSITIVE OUTLET to express themselves, build a sense of COMMUNITY, and support CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS.
YPAD was founded in Los Angeles in 2012 by hip hop professional Leslie Scott Zanovitch and her husband Joseph Zanovitch as a response to negative trends toward commodifying and exploiting youth and adults in performing arts. In 2014, industry professional Misty Lown became its visionary sponsor, and her More Than Just Great Dancing affiliation program became YPAD’s first certified organization. Lown’s studio, Misty’s Dance Unlimited, also became YPAD’s first certified dance studio. YPAD leadership transitioned to Lown in 2019. The Zanovitches today continue to serve on YPAD’s advisory panel.